To start your fruit picking adventure, you will need to team up a convoy.
Create a new one
approve contract
{{ no_contract_convoy.length }}
with starving animals.
Convoy without active contract cannot enter any orchards.
To pick fruits and prevent your animals dying, go contract with convoy
(ID:{{ i }})
{{ picking.length }}
in fruit picking adventure.
The status of hardly working convoys would show on Orchards page.
(ID:{{ i }})
{{ next_picking.length }} resting after the last harvest mission. (ID:{{ i }})
Orchard Level{{ i.level }}
Earn $FRUIT{{ towNumber(i.balance) }}
Capacity value
{{ i.capacity }}Tax
{{ }}%Balance
{{ towNumber(i.rewards) }}Contract for
{{ }}D {{ i.hour }}Hr 0D 0HrDamage
{{ _equipment.damage }}%